The Road Goes Ever On (1968)

The Road Goes Ever On
Words by J.R.R. Tolkien
Music by Donald Swann
1968 Ballantine Edition
Ballantine Books
New York
PBN: 74550
xii, 68 pp.
Illustrated by J.R.R. Tolkien and Samuel Hanks Bryant
Hammond Page Ref.: pp. 315-316

Includes music for seven poems by J.R.R. Tolkien: The Road Goes Ever On, Upon the Hearth the Fire is Red, In the Willow-meads of Tasarinan, In Western Lands, Namárië, I Sit Beside the Fire and Errantry.

1st Printing: October, 1968*

Not reprinted.

RRP: $2.95.

*For more information see Douglas Anderson’s blog post ‘Ballantine’s Road Goes Ever On: Bibliographers Off by a Year!’.

The Road Goes Ever On (1975)