Farmer Giles of Ham (1999)

Farmer Giles of Ham
J.R.R. Tolkien
Edited by Christina Scull and Wayne G. Hammond
1999 50th Anniversary Edition
Houghton Mifflin Company
ISBN: 0618009361
Hardcover in dust-jacket
[6], xiv, 7-130 pp.
Illustrated by Pauline Baynes
Tolkien Collector Ref.: Issue no. 22, p. 4

Facsimile reproduction of text and illustrations of the Allen & Unwin 1949 First Edition; typeset as for the HarperCollins 1999 50th Anniversary Edition.

This edition also includes a map of the Little Kingdom by Pauline Baynes, an introduction and notes by the editors, the first written (manuscript) version of the story and an unfinished sequel.

1st Printing: November, 1999

Ten printings issued.

Jacket price: $17.00; $20.00 by the 6th Printing.